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Re: SCA Alcohol Policy

Poster: anne carey <afcarey@norfolk.infi.net>

Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir wrote:
> Poster: Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir <falcone@bellsouth.net>
> Allah's Blessed Peace to those gathered here!!
> This is a missive from your friendly neighborhood SCA Grand Council
> Representative at Large.  Currently, the Grand Council, and assistive
> body to the BoD, is gathering comment from the populace concerning the
> proposed wording of a new alcohol policy that some of us already thought
> was in effect(as practiced in our kingdom anyway).

why did anyone feel that there was a need for an alcohol policy?  Has
there been a problem?  Are we trying to fix something that isn't broken?

> The proposed wording goes like this:
> "The SCA will not purchase or provide alcoholic beverages for events,
> other
> than for use as a cooking ingredient, within the United States of
> America.
> Attendees may bring their own alcohol if the site permits, and assume
> all
> risks and responsibilities by doing so.  Branches outside of the USA may
> purchase and serve alcohol in accordance with their own government
> regulations."
> How does this affect you, your group, etc.?

This sounds to me like the SCA is afraid someone will get drunk off of a
keg provided at a feast, leave that night, kill someone on the drive
home, and the SCA gets sued.  

I suppose it could happen... I just don't like "policy" guided by
fear... I don't know why, but this proposed policy *really* raised my

Does this mean that you can't offer a home-brewed cordial as tourney or
contest prize...What about at an auction?.. I don't know... I just don't
like it...

Anne Elizabeth
who doesn't even like beer or ale or mead...but cordials..hmm :D
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