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RE: SCA Alcohol Policy

Poster: PETERSR@spiegel.becltd.com (Peters, Rise J.)

Here in Storvik, this is going to cause us a problem.  All of the sites we 
use that allow group camping also impose an alcohol restriction that permits 
"kegs only" on the premises.  Thus, if we are to have alcohol at an event, 
we would face (a) an individual bringing his/her own, in violation of the 
park's policy; (b) an individual bringing a keg (legal, but unlikely); or 
(c) the group providing a keg, in violation of SCA policy.  (In keeping with 
my mundane profession, I can also think of about 6 different ways of getting 
around this wording that would be permissible in a mundane setting, but as 
this is the SCA I feel constrained by the spirit rather than the letter of 
the rule.  Shucks.)

I'm interested in the exception for branches outside the US.  Is the 
implication here that US law does not allow us(the SCA as a 501(c)(3) 
entity) to buy alcohol?  If so, let us see the wording of that restriction, 
as that's the base we have to work from.  Thanks.

=Rise (Caitlin doesn't know anything about this)

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