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tent testimonial

Poster: John Strauss <jstrauss@gmu.edu>

Anne Elizabeth said:

>Upon this Saturday morning, the 12th of July (feast of St. John Gualbert,
>abbot), Caer Carey will be having a yard sale.  What distinguishes this
>sale, though, is that some items are of interest only to SCAdians and
>other weirdos.  In particular: 

> 1) a Four-Seasons single-pole pavillion (13' high, 12' diameter at head
>level, 15' diameter at base).  White weather-treated canvas with green
>trim.  Excellent shape.  $450. 

Ooooh! I'm familiar with the tent in question. $450 is a steal. Somebody
who needs a pavilion go get that or you will regret it later.

[mumble grumble] I just bought 50 yards of canvas, 12' of 2x2 oak, and
arranged to use an industrial sewing machine, or I would be thinking real
hard about "$500 and I'll pick it up from you at Pennsic".

-Henry the Reluctant Sailmaker

       John Strauss             |    Dr. Henry Best, OP       
       Lexington, KY            |    Dragonsmark, Midrealm      
       jstrauss@gmu.edu         |    "Jugate Potentum Gaudii"

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