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Re: SCA Alcohol Policy

Poster: Tom Brady <tabrady@mindspring.com>

At 02:34 PM 7/8/97 -0400, Scott Burke wrote (among other things):
>Merchants/Brewers:  What are the problems with sales of alcoholic beverages
>to a non-profit organization?

That's easy. The unlicensed sale of alcohol, in any way, shape of form is
illegal, verboten, right out in the United States. Does this mean we break
the law when we sell a bottle of wine at auction? Indeed it does. Does the
BATF really care about this? Not particularly. Now, if you were selling
thirty cases of wine at auction every week, that would be different. This,
of course, goes 'way beyond the scope of the SCA alcohol policy.

>Seneschals/Executives: What are the problems with sales of alcoholic
>from your perspective?

For licensed sales: I think this was answered best by Conna M'Kennane
earlier - it's a nasty liability trap.For unlicensed sales: I have no
problem whatsoever, except that it's blatantly illegal :-) 
<Franklin County accent>
Durn Revenooers!
</Franklin County accent>

>If we eliminate the fears of liability, which already exist, especially at an
>individual level - if you're in my camp, drinking my booze, I am responsible
>already by case law - what are the society concerns?

It's a question of who has the deepest pockets. If the local group only has
(at most) a few thousand in the bank, why bother suing them when you can
kick it up the ladder to the kingdom (not likely - not recognized as an
individual incorporated entity) or the SCA, Inc.?

Tom Brady    tabrady@mindspring.com   SCA: Duncan MacKinnon of Tobermory
 See my web pages for links to the Society for Creative Anachronism and 
      gay and lesbian info: http://www.technomancer.com/~duncan/
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