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Re: SCA Alcohol Policy
Poster: Lordgaelan@aol.com
Falcone wrote:
>>>The proposed wording goes like this:
"The SCA will not purchase or provide alcoholic beverages for events,
other than for use as a cooking ingredient, within the United States of
America. Attendees may bring their own alcohol if the site permits, and
all risks and responsibilities by doing so. Branches outside of the USA may
purchase and serve alcohol in accordance with their own government
Somewhere in this proposed wording, it needs to be clearly stated that
"Attendees may bring their own alcohol IF they are legal drinking age AND
that drinking underage will not be tolerated."
This would give the autocrats more "power" to ask people to leave site if
someone is caught drinking underage.
Something else to consider, would be the implementation of some
accountability for chaperones of persons under 18. This doesn't apply
strictly to underage drinking, but for having an adult being held responsible
for the actions of the minor that they are "watching."
Just a little food for thought from a former autocrat,
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