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Re: SCA Alcohol Policy

Poster: Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir <falcone@bellsouth.net>

Salaam and thanks for the comments, Gaelon:

Lordgaelan@aol.com wrote:
> Somewhere in this proposed wording, it needs to be clearly stated that
> "Attendees may bring their own alcohol IF they are legal drinking age AND
> that drinking underage will not be tolerated."

This is already effectively said, though indirectly.  Corpora says that
local and governmental law supercedes Corpora - underage drinking being
illegal and all that, it's against corpora.

> This would give the autocrats more "power" to ask people to leave site if
> someone is caught drinking underage.

The autocrats already have this power, but they must use it.  I
mentioned this earlier.

> Something else to consider, would be the implementation of some
> accountability for chaperones of persons under 18.  This doesn't apply
> strictly to underage drinking, but for having an adult being held responsible
> for the actions of the minor that they are "watching."

This is something to consider, but is only slightly topical to the
alcohol discussion; however, like you say it is food for thought.

> Just a little food for thought from a former autocrat,
> Gaelan

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