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Re: Creating Households
Poster: Beverly Robinson-Curry <corvus2@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>
At 06:41 PM 7/16/97 +0000, you wrote:
>Poster: RowenRhys@aol.com
>Unto you good gentles I pose this query:
>How does one form a household?
>I belong to no local group but I seem to have assembled an entourage of
>newbies that I recruit. After seeing badges on almost everyone at Kingdom
>A&S this past weekend I am having serious "badge envy." Is is possible to
>form a household if one is not a memeber of the "nobility" or has not
>registered a device?
Your post poses many questions which will have a myriad of answers based
upon individual attention. For myself, I offer the following personal
opinion on households in general:
Households are typically made up of like-minded individuals with similar
goals and interests within the SCA. I would not recommend that anyone join
a household for at least year after joining the SCA as their scope of
experience is not broad enough.
As for badges, I can speak definitively on this subject. You do not have to
be in a household or a member of the nobility to have a badge, nor do you
have to have a registered device. All that is required to register a badge
is that you either have a registered name or register one with the badge. I
believe you already have a registered name, correct? Then, design a badge
which suits you and feel free to register it. Or use one of the kingdom
badges which are available for use by the general populace...
Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill
Triton Principal Herald, Atlantia
House Corvus, Sacred Stone
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