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Re: CORRECTION:SCA Alcohol Policy

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

Master Terafan Greydragon writes, in part:
> [...] we don't want to get mixed up in is the "auctioning" of alcohol and
> whether or not additional taxes are involved.  There are special taxes
> involved with alcohol, above and beyond what we consider normal sales
> tax, and the specific interpretations get very, very fuzzy.  
> I do believe that Tadhg is correct about prizes, but not about auctions.
>  Auctions are meant to basically "sell" something for the highest price,
> and we ought to steer completely clear of alcohol at this point.

I believe in following the policies of the BoD and the Revenuers,
letter and spirit, but, just out of curiosity, I wonder if the
following would constitute "steering completely clear":

  The next item up for bid is this embroidered favor, generously
  donated by Master Terafan, the brewer.  I understand that this
  favor has a lot of sentimental value for Master Terafan, the
  brewer, and anyone who makes the highest bid and returns this
  favor to that excellent brewer can expect the kind of gratitude
  you might expect Master Terafan, the brewer, would extend.

-- Alfredo el Bufon
Jeg har skrevet et sted,     |  Put up in a place
hvor jeg daglig maa se,      |  where it's easy to see
det manende tankesprog:      |  the cryptic admonishment
    T.T.T.                   |      T.T.T.
Naar man foeler hvor lidet   |  When you feel how depressingly
man naaer med sin flid,      |  slowly you climb,
er det nyttigt at mindes,at  |  it's well to remember that
    Ting Tar Tid.            |      Things Take Time.
              -- Kumbel      |           -- Piet Hein (1905-1996)

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