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Re: More Germainc Garb stuff

Poster: David KUIJT <kuijt@umiacs.umd.edu>

On Fri, 18 Jul 1997, Corun MacAnndra wrote:

> Dafydd wrote:
> > 
> > Tights suck, frankly.  Stretchy modern things constantly drifting
> > southward so you have to hike them up in an undignified manner.
> > 
> > Real men wear real hosen.
> Where can one get patterns for hosen?

A couple of people have done some research on patterns; Mistress Clare,
Mistress Thjora, and Mistress Grace have patterns, I believe.  Other
people do also, but I can't summon their names so easily.
> > Separate-leg tailored hosen are very comfortable; you can even roll them
> > down over a garter when you need to, going upper-thigh-bare, which is
> > wonderful for hot weather.  Of course, to do this you need nice medieval
> > underwear (basically linen boxers, depending upon what period we are
> > talking).
> What about some of those 14th c. sets that look like modern tights in the
> paintings? There is a picture I have in mind from the paper cover of the
> Medaeval Cookbook. It shows a couple of men in white cote d'hardies with
> very tight fitting white tights. The cote d'hardies are very short, above
> the bum, and one can see that the tights are not separate leg, but a whole
> unit. Is this the painter taking artistic license?

There are joined hosen as well as separate leg.  They are a little harder
to sew and fit correctly, naturally enough.


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