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Re: Pay to vote
Poster: Me <dungeon@norfolk.infi.net>
>Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 10:33:28
>To: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
>From: Me <dungeon@norfolk.infi.net>
>Subject: Re: Pay to vote
>At 03:42 PM 7/23/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
>>> A pay to vote policy as far as I could tell would give a better
>>> idea to the crown of what the opinion is of the more active
>>> members of a group, or it would increase in membership because it
>>> would make people get off their behinds.
>>I have maintained membership in SCA, Incorporated, for about ten
>>years now, but I have not gotten off my behind for the last three
>>years, in that I seldom attend events and never attend baronial
>>or cantonese meetings. Therefore, I would have to say that a
>>pay-to-vote policy would _not_ disenfranchise the less active
>>members of a group.
>>If you really want to restrict pollings to active members, I suggest
>>that you only solicit the pollings in places like the feast-hall
>>kitchen, and ask those doosers you poll not to tell their sedentary
>>friends about it.
>>-- Alfredo el Bufon
>The problem with looking for the active people that way is one:
>1) All payed members should be polled
>2) Polictical factions do form in the sca so some actives might be left out
for dislike from those asked about who should be polled
>3) People do have mudane lifes and to say that actives have to come to
"every" event is biais
>4) Don't mess with something that not broken.I think what Niell (sp) was
asking is should we or shouldnt we limit the vote to members. And I think he
meant the word vote in the sense of polling because if you think about it
there majesties will probraly take the person who is liked by the barony and
who they can tolerate.So polling is a type of vote maybe be a loose use of
the word vote but still a valid use for lack of a better term maybe.
>One thing I think should be done is let the old baron and/or Baroness
Bryress (sp?) choose who gets polled after the initial members of the
barony(paid) Let them gauge who they think is active enough to deserve the
right to poll. Because it is a right every letter takes away from there
majesty time to do other things.I also think the nominees should visit with
there majesties or write a letter stating what they plan on doing with the
barony if elected.I think that would be more a help then the poll in some
ways to help with the decision. It would help elimanate those who just want
to sit there just for the status.For someone who says ( Ummm make it a
better place) should not get the position.I think those that want the
position should have alot of goals for the barony like bringing it together
to make it more active and make it more productive from there plans.
>Anyways tell me what you think
>Myrddin of Marinus
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