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Re: Coronation and Pointless War

Poster: LWright740@aol.com

In a message dated 97-08-22 12:05:52 EDT, you write:

<< The point of the "Pointless War" name was two-fold: to make clear that
 <the War was held in _friendship_ between the East and Atlantia, and to
 >point out that there were no "war points".

Too late.  Looks like it has points now.  
< I personally dislike the occasional bad feelings exhibited over
 >winning and losing at Pennsic, and we're lucky to not be exposed to
 >the occasional long and involved arguments over "should A&S be a war
 >point?" "should bardic be a war point?". Hopefully the Kingdom Crusade
 >will not develop these two bad features.
> -- gb >>

It is a shame.  The original autocrat never intended for it to be a pointed
war.  He wanted to avoid the fighting and "dealing" that accompanies scored
wars.  Maybe next year they will return the event to it's pointless status.

In Service.
Lora Leigh
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