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Re: gay gordon??

Poster: Sallie Montuori <foxdale@wolfstar.com>

> Poster: PDRUSS@aol.com
> Greetings,
> I haven't been active the the SCA for a few years and am just getting back
> into it. I came across some photos from a few years ago. One is of me and a
> friend doing a dance I remember as the "Gay Gordon" but I'm not sure if my
> memory is that good. Is there a dance called the "Gay Gordon", I seem to
> remember you swept across the floor from one end of the room to the other and
> on the trip back the lady revolved under the man's up held arm. Does this
> sound familiar to anyone? We were at an Oldenfeld event in Trimaris at the
> time. 
> Tamara

The tune is Gay Gordons, better known as Scotland the Brave (or
Scotland's Depraved ;) and the dance is commonly referred to as Dance
of the Isles.  There are still folk out there agile enough to attempt
this dance, although I'm not one of them!

   Alys of Foxdale          Shire of Stierbach, Kingdom of Atlantia
 mka Sallie Montuori               Chantilly, Virginia, USA

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