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Re: Whats wrong with the SCA?

Poster: DariusUird@aol.com

1. I did NOT "blast you"
2. YOU took it upon yourself to share your opinions with me for which I am
3.I responded
4.what I had to say to you was the same as I had to say to everyone who has
written to me whining and complaining.

    You DEMAND a public apology? Because your vision is too narrow to see
that there is no insult or injury to you in my reply, either real or implied?
     OK here it is  watch closely...and be careful ,I dont want you to get
hurt....                           .            I Apologize for whatever
imagined slight I made against you.
    Happy?  (let it never be said I refused the demands of a "Lady")
                            Darius the duly chastized and humbled
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