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Re: Greetings all, I humbly request your assistance

Poster: Sallie Montuori <foxdale@wolfstar.com>

> Poster: "Porter, Timothy W." <Porter@alhrm.brooks.af.mil>

> Greetings,
> I'm sending out this message in the hope that some kind lady or gentle will 
> take pity on a wanderer and reply with assistance or possibly just a warm 
> smile and some pleasant conversation

> A little more than three months hence, that being sometime at the end of 
> January, I will be leaving Bjornsborg, my current residence and traveling to 
> Tir-y-Don (it is a grand thing that you do not need to know how to pronounce 
> a word to communicate it in writing).

When I lived there several years ago, it was most frequently
pronounced something on the order of Tear-ee-don.

>  However, I will find myself in a new barony in a new kingdom with no 
> friends (and no enemies either, not to say that I have many now, but it is 
> not nice to be in a place where one has no enemies at all) and in fact not 
> even a contact who may be able to guide me into the new community. 

>   I therefore find myself in the Merry Rose trying to establish 
> some friendship or even acquaintance that may serve to help guide my 
> progress into your community.  And possibly even establish some degree of 
> comradery or companionship, I dare say maybe even a friendship, before I 
> even arrive.

> Yours truly in all things,
> Cedric Guy Ramsey

Good my lord, welcome to Atlantia!  I hope you have subscribed to the
Merry Rose (the Atlantian email list), for that will certainly give
you a good chance to get acquainted with all of us.

I no longer reside in/near Tir-y-Don and have not for several years,
but I still fondly remember the folk there.  Unless things have
changed sadly for the worse, you will find the denizens to be very
friendly and warmhearted.

You will also wish to meet people from Marinus, Rencester, and Caer
Mear, which are Tir-y-Don's closest neighbors.

   Alys of Foxdale          Shire of Stierbach, Kingdom of Atlantia
 mka Sallie Montuori               Chantilly, Virginia, USA

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