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SCA History

Poster: Brian Matthews <wilthain@handy-man.com>

        Some SCA History...
        Tue, 21 Oct 1997 13:55:08 -0700 (PDT)
        fionn@nwlink.com (Jeff Carnegie)

Hi !

        I need some help. What I need to know is the first four or five
baronial level groups (read Barony or Province) of each kingdom. What
got I list below. Anyone who can provide more info would greatly endear
themselves to me. Dates would be great too. Also, as this is the only
list I'm on, if someone could forward this to other SCA lists, I'd
appreciate it.

East: Ostgardr, Carolingia, Beyond the Mtn., Bhakail, Bridge
AEthelmearc: Debateable Lands, Thescorre, Rydderich Hael, ?
Trimaris: Wyvernwood, An Crosaire, Darkwater
Middle: Tree Girt Sea, Northwoods, Middle Marches, ?, ?
An Tir: Madrone, Three Mountains, Lion's Gate, Adiantum
Atenveldt: Atenveldt, Tir Ysgirth, Sun Dragon, Mons Tonitrus, Twin
Meridies: Iron Mountain, Axemoor, South Downs, ?
Outlands: Caerthe, al-Barran, Dragonspire, Southern Pass
Artemesia: Loch Salann, One Thousand Eyes, Sentinel's Keep, Arn Hold
West, Ansteorra, Caid, Calontir, Drachenwald, Atlantia: ????

I'm also uncertain on what to consider Myrkfaelinn in particualar, shire
barony level. While I don't want to start a huge discussion, someone
tell me
if it has the population base of a baronial size group and if it is
considered on a level with Baronies and Provinces. My impression was
that it
is, but I'd like to hear from some of the Dominions own residents.

Thanks y'all,
Jeff Carnegie / Fionn MacAilein

"We are born naked,wet,and hungry...then things get worse" Anon.
                             In service.....
                            Wilthain Westbram

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