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Re: Fwd: Laurel Acceptances and Returns for October
Poster: Beverly Robinson-Curry <corvus2@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>
At 02:29 AM 10/24/97 +0000, Gaelen wrote:
>As defined in the Manual of Heraldry, by Sir Francis J. Grant, Lord Lyon King
>of Arms, in 1937;
> Counter-changed: Is the division of the shield into two parts, one
>colour and one metal, and arranging that the charges placed upon the metal
>are of the colour, and vice versa.
>Therefore with purple and white field, having white and black charges is NOT
>P.S. Jonathan, don't guess.
Yes, but Gaelen, sometimes SCA heraldry DOESN'T specifically follow mundane
heraldry rules... If it did, many of the devices people submit would be
returned for failure to follow medieval style. Now, this is not to say it
is not moving in that direction or will not eventually get there. SCA
Heraldry is an evolving process and is improving in recreation the more
research is done.
Basically, the blazon in question just means that the white heart is on the
purple field and the black heart is on the white field... It *is* kind of
redundant, especially if one assumes that the placement of the words
reflects the placement of the charges, but to insure that no confusion
exists as to which charge lies where, sometimes the word "counterchanged" is
used even though one or more of the tinctures varies from the field division
Check your O&A. You'll see this terminology used frequently when someone
has a neutral field division with charges on both sides of the division and
the charge tinctures are different from the original field tinctures...
Jonathan is right. I *have* seen devices where neither of the charges
overlying a neutral field division matched the original field colors...
Whether or not historical precedent exists for such a thing is entirely
another matter. But there is nothing wrong with making a guess, as long as
it promotes learning.
Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill
Triton Principal Herald, Atlantia
House Corvus, Sacred Stone
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