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Lyrics and Greetings

Poster: Ashley <phantom@atomic.net>

Greetings to all! =)

I have a favor to ask from any kind gentle willing to help me!  I would like
to have the lyrics to "Born on the List Feild" and (not sure if this is the
name) "We will go".  His grace Cuan sang Born on the List Field at feast
during Windmasters Baronial champions and I, knowing only the chorus, am
stuck with just that running in my head til I can learn the rest of it!  As
for the other song a very talented man sang it at feast as well and many
apologies to this gentle who I do not know. (I am new afterall and horrible
with names!) Thanks to everyone and Take care!

As always,

Ellayen =) (an unpassed name)

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"I get my kicks above the waist line, sunshine" - "One Night In
Bangkok" by Murray Head 

" Everybody doesn't really feel ok.. " - "Angry Johnny" -Poe

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