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Re: Copyright, was Re: 2 tidbits
Poster: "David Ritterskamp" <blackbow@sprynet.com>
-----Original Message-----
From: Robyyan Torr d'Elandris <robyyan@mindspring.com>
To: blackbow@sprynet.com <blackbow@sprynet.com>; atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Date: Monday, November 03, 1997 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: Copyright, was Re: 2 tidbits
> 2. Unless I've been badly misled and deceived, reposting material on a
> mailing list doesn't constitute violation of copyright, especially if the
> reposting isn't for profit.
You have been misled and deceived.
Profit is irrelevant. There are provisions in copyright law for
"fair use", and I'm not going to even attempt to get into details on
it, since I'm not a lawyer. But posting to a mailing list isn't it.
Most libraries have a document that summarizes and explains the fair
use doctrines.
As far as I know, regular postings to a mailing list are still a
murky area of copyright law.
[OK, but why, then, did you just say that I've been misled and deceived, and
then a paragraph later say that postings to a mailing list are still a murky
area of copyright law? This is essentially what I said in the first place,
albeit in more flowery language. Until somebody nails it down, people are
gonna scream all they want, and it ain't gonna do diddly worth of good.]
[On a similar side note, I'm sure that everybody has seen various people
with the .sig lines that say "unsolicited email sent to this account will be
subject to a reading charge of $500" or "by Law X, email accounts fall under
the definition of fax machines, etc., and any unsolicited email sent to this
address will be subject to a reading charge of $500, and the act of sending
that unwanted email constitutes acceptance of these terms".
The question I have is whether anybody has [or knows anybody who has]
actually gotten any spam on an account posted this way, and tried to get
anything out of it, and what the results were if they did.
Electronic media are going to be the next big litigation trend-just you
Robyyan Torr d'Elandris Dennis R.
[ROFL! Robyyan, would your mundane middle name happen to be Rodman, by any
chance? It doesn't have anything to do with anything, but for those of you
that know much of anything about the NBA, it's worth a giggle.]
Ld. Jonathan Blackbow
Clan O'Shannon
May the god, goddess, or deity of your choice bless, curse, or completely
ignore you, as per your wishes.
[In response to requests, permission is hereby given to reproduce anything
you see from me, as long as it is reproduced in its entirety.
Being misquoted gives me heartburn.
Additionally, a hard copy of whatever it's being printed in would be
Email here for address.]
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