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Re: Copyright, was Re: 2 tidbits
Poster: "Robyyan Torr d'Elandris" <robyyan@mindspring.com>
> [OK, but why, then, did you just say that I've been misled and deceived, and
> then a paragraph later say that postings to a mailing list are still a murky
> area of copyright law? This is essentially what I said in the first place,
Because your original posting at least implied, if it didn't say
outright, that the notion of profit was involved in whether or not
copies could be made. It isn't. That's the part I thought you were
misled and deceived about.
And postings to a list are a murky area.
> [ROFL! Robyyan, would your mundane middle name happen to be Rodman, by any
> chance? It doesn't have anything to do with anything, but for those of you
> that know much of anything about the NBA, it's worth a giggle.]
Even more of a giggle when you consider how much I look like him...
No, its Robert.
Robyyan Torr d'Elandris Dennis R. Sherman
Kapellenberg, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia Chapel Hill, NC
robyyan@mindspring.com http://robyyan.home.mindspring.com/robyyan.htm
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