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RE: Abduct Efen was Song Copyrights

Poster: "Efenwealt Wystle" <efen@hotmail.com>


It wouldn't be the first time I was abducted and tied up by Loralee. 
Anyone remember the first Gil's Tavern? I'll bet Masters Eldred and 
Valdemar do, and that guy in the kilt who looked like Madmartigan. Those 
evil wenches got them too. Was anyone out of Black Diamond's or 
Mrrrkwoooooooodt'z distant past there? ;>

This also would not be the first time she kidnapped my cat and sold him 
into slavery. Pennsic 19 was it? I wondered if Tessa got her money's 

DOH! I'm sharing again... sorry.

PLEASE LORA! (I'm on my knees begging) Don't drag me around and make me 
sing! I couldn't stand it! All those happy, entertained audiences, 
applauding, begging for more (what me humble?). I'd have to sue myself 
for copyright infringement or something. It would be worse than being 
thrown into that briar patch... 


Lord Efenwealt Wystle (aka Scott F. Vaughan) efen@hotmail.com
Militant Society of Bards, Sacred Brotherhood of the Flaming Jackass,
Merchant & Minstrel
Canton of Elvegast, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia

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