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Reposting and Riposting

Poster: JebRaitt@aol.com

In the course of a discussion of copyrights,  J. Blackbow wrote:

<<1.  You will note that the song I reposted (isn't that a fencing term? ;>)
was originally posted somewhere else, by someone else. . . . >>

The wordsmith is compelled to respond:   "Reposting" has nothing to do with
fencing.  It is simply a term for doing something (in this case, posting a
message) again.

What you may be thinking of is "riposte", which is a term used in fencing,
but could apply to any sort of combat or combat-related sport.  As a noun, a
riposte is a blow or thrust made immediately after one's opponent has struck
or thrusted.  As a verb, it means to make such a blow or thrust in response
to an opponenet's attack.  

Ah, how well I remember my fencing coach's admonition never to parry without
offering a riposte!  

In service to the language,

Donal Mac Ruiseart
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