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Re: regalia collections

Poster: Suzanne Metzler <0002152178@MCIMAIL.COM>

On a message received on Nov 05, 1997 09:59 pm EST, 
Brenna, Exchequer of the Barony of Marinus wrote:

<<Greetings from the Barony of Marinus!

<<Our populace was so moved by the plight of the royal regalia, that we
<<voted unanimously to redirect fundraising funds to your collection.
<<Please accept the $290 I have mailed to you to rebuild the royal
<<Good luck in your efforts.

To which Tehair MacDiarmada and Baroness Amanda of Walworth, Coordinators
for the Kingdom 12th Night Fund Raising activities respond:

VIVAT to the Barony of Marinus!!

Thank you for you kind donation, you have helped us well on our way
to the goal of $1,500 for this 12th Nights Fund-Raising Efforts!

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