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Re: Reposting and Riposting

Poster: "H L. Falls" <hlf@holmes.acc.virginia.edu>

<amidst much snippage...>

Lord Jonathan remarked:

> ><<1.  You will note that the song I reposted (isn't that a fencing term?
> ;>)

and Lord Donal replied:

> >The wordsmith is compelled to respond:   "Reposting" has nothing to do with
> >fencing.  
Lord Jonathan then commented:  (oops!  Well never mind, I hit the 
"delete" key too often!)

   Aw, shucks Jonathan.  I thought you were going to tell him that
"reposting" means setting a new fence post to replace a broken one...

   Or am I the only farm-boy here...?  :-)

--Landi (Norse nickname, properly used as in "Landi-Jokul", meaning,
         roughly, "farm-boy". :-)
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