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Re: 12th Night Oak raffle website

Poster: Tom Rettie <tom@his.com>

At 01:24 PM 11/24/97 -0500, Barclay, Peter MAJ wrote:

>Take a look at it at:
>	http://www.geocities.com/Athens/3409/italian.htm
>Tell all your friends or anyone who you think might be interested.
>Tell them to get their checkbooks out and support the Oak.  Dafydd is
>anxiously waiting by his mailbox for those who want to purchase raffle
>tickets!!  :-)

Good Gentles,

I have seen the great chest at University, and it is truly a wonderous
thing, of fine workmanship and exquisite decoration.  But the above cited
web page only begins to touch on the multitude of uses for such a fine and
spacious piece of furniture:

1.  With lid removed, a fine "sedan crib" for well behaved small children.
2.  With lid in place, a fine "sedan crib" for not well behaved small
3.  With wheels attached, a most adequate wagon.
4.  Turn the lid upside down and you have a serviceable barge to carry you
and your squires
     across inconveniently placed moats.
5.  String a rope through the carrying rings and use it as a cable car to
cross inconviently placed

Could you bear to be without such a useful and versatile object?  All this
could be yours...

Your obedient servant,


Tom Rettie                                       tom@his.com
Heather Bryden                               bryden@hers.com
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