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Re: T-day in the SCA...
Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@wolfstar.com>
> YKYAISCA (You Know You Are In Sca) when
> discussing the Thanksgiving menu you intend to say that a certain
> vegetable is not in season, but you say 'it is not in preiod'...
> And, YKYHKYAISCA (You Know Your Husband Knows You Are In SCA) when
> said non-scadian husband -understands- you.. and looking rather
> bewildered says 'but...but.. but.. Thanksgiving is -not- period, right?'
(smirk) Good one.
However, since the point has come up...
Of course T-giving as we know it isn't period. Continuous English
settlement in the Western Hemisphere isn't period. It should not, however,
be difficult to find period harvest-home festivals that closely resemble
the early-colonies Thanksgivings in concept and structure (though the food
and guest list certainly would differ).
Safe travel and happy gatherings to all.
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