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Belching (was Re: Persona Crap)

Poster: Karen@agent.infodata.com (Harris, Karen)

Tamar wrote:

> Some people _find_ documentation that belching, if not in contest, was
> considered a Good Thing in a particular time and place among a particular
> group....
> Oh, all right, it was considered a manly trait among Viking males - a man
> who couldn't create a good loud belch was looked at askance.  My source?
> IIRC, I read it on this list a while back.

"Pox on you for a Fop,"
"your stomach too queazy
cannot I Belch and fart,
you Coxcomb to ease me,
what if I let fly in your Face,
and shall please ye?"
"Fogh, fogh, how sow'r he smells,
now he's at it again,
out ye Beast, I never met so nasty a man,
I'm not able to bear it",
"What the Devil d'ye mean?
no less than a Caesar
decreed with great reason
no restraint shou'd be laid
on the Bum or the Weason,
for Belching and farting
were always in season."

- Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
  "Pox On You"
  From THE ART OF THE BAWDY SONG, Dorian DOR-90155

Oh, and by the way, the next Needlework Night at my place is going to 
be the second Tuesday in January (the 27th) ... if requested, I'll 
gladly play any part of THE ART OF THE BAWDY SONG or SO QUICK, SO 

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Karen Larsdatter
  Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
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