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RE: Beowulf, Don't be Silly!

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

> Poster: SCAwed <SCAwed@aol.com>
> As a friend of the Author, I thought I would put in my 2 cents worth.
> Does it realy matter all that much?
> The MSoB are there to promote music and poetry in the known world
> Getting credit is nice, but that is NOT why they do it.
> I feel sure in saying, Black Bard would not take any offence at not
> getting
> credit.
> He would take offence at all the squabbling going on.
	Actually I would say that the "squabbling" wouldn't be about him but
	about the process.  I'm glad that MSoB would not worry about credit
	as most SCA members don't but since this is a large variety of
folks, it
	would be unfair for one group to speak for another. ( I.E. those
	do care may not be members of MSoB, so that's why I recommended
	the idea of "netiquette".)  Keep ALL creators in mind.  If you keep
	the same general copyright rules that all publishers must keep then
	we avoid  the chance at offending.


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