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Re: Looking for period astronomy myths

Poster: Erik Dutton <edutton@worldnet.att.net>

hank harwell wrote:
> Poster: hank harwell <web7989@charweb.org>
> I am looking for period astronomy myths that are _not_ classical (i.e.
> greco-roman).
> Specifically, I would like to see cultural equivalences for
> stars/planets/constellations.  I have collected several
> items from celtic legends as they relate to my search. For example, in
> Ireland, the Milky Way was known as "lugh's chain."
> I would like a few more of these items to complete my research, and am
> particularly interested in norse equivalences....Can anyone point me in
> the right direction?

There is a little information in Kurt Seligmann's "History of Magic"
(also sometimes titled "History of the Occult and Supernatural,"
depending on the date of publication); mostly on Chaldean, Babylonian,
and such.

Also, Valerie I. J. Flint's "The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe"
(pub. Princeton University Press) deals extensively with astronomy and
astrology in period.

Hope this helps!
Rhodri ap Hywel
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