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Fwd: Northern pricipality
Poster: "duane moore" <brycedebyram@hotmail.com>
Firstly, I am on the principality list(but not the Rose)so please,please
take my address off your CC list.(73 messages, many of them repeats, in
one day are More than engough )
But thank you for the comments, the Sirventes was meant to provoke
thought, and offer another side to a discussion that has been, mostly
Very one sided.
Personal notes(since i'm late to Sir Alamric's b-day party already)
Wynn: Thank you, To Hell with the Naysayers! You go believing in what
you think is right, and i'll do the same; and love you that much more
for it...
master james: Your response comes later, after i've cooled off, I
suppose it's too late to warn you that i didn't use a spell-checker on
this document either...
Regards to all,
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Laus prae Lucro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bryce de Byram, G.O.A.,A.o.A., Comp. of the Pearl, Silver Nautilaus,
Shark's Tooth, Undine,King's award of Excellance, Company of the
Banner,Twice Atlantian Royal Bard, First Warlord of Caer
Mear,cornet-at-large, M.S.o.B. Journeyman,Squire to His grace, Duke
Anton Tremayne,Seneschal of The Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia, and all
around nice guy....
or Duane Moore: brycedebyram@hotmail.com
sometimes known as Byton Tremayne, the Black-Bard...
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