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Re: Pavilions Search

Poster: Greg Glewwe <glewweg@erols.com>

At 02:22 PM 3/4/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Poster: Marybeth Lavrakas <lavrakas@email.unc.edu>
>While I can't halp you with finding a used pavillion, I can tell you that
>Panther tents are generally the least expensive new pavillions you will
>find.  Good quality, too, and they have several different payment options.
>You'd still be dropping many hundreds of dollars, of course, but you save
>if you construct your own poles instead of purchasing their 'set-up'

I have to agree whole heartedly about Panther!  Tentmasters seem to be
slightly better (a friend has the Tentmasters version of the Panther I
have), the cost is significantly higher than Panther's pricing.  The
differences are so slight as to be insignificant.  PANTHER ALSO CARRIES
USED PAVILLIONS!! Generally traded in by people who have decided to move up
to a bigger more expensive tent.  Check them out.  If you need a Phone #,
I'll dig it out!


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