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Re: Awards and all that...

Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>

As to my last post.....I'm sorry I did not use my little spellchecker


Logan & Arielle wrote:
> Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>
> As one that had to deal with the mindless and uninformed accusations of
> "welllll Logan was Knighted only because he won Crown" I am just curious
> to know how many Knights fall into this "As a result, many are knighted"
> statement.  You know timing is a kinda' funny thing.  Rhodri My only
> questions in response to you comments are:
> 1. just how many Chivalry meeting do you attend so that you can comment
> on this alleged "horror" the Knights feel towards the idea of an
> unbelted Crown?
> 2. Have you ever seen the Chivalry's "watch list"?........no you have
> not, simply because one does not exist.  The simply facts regarding the
> three peerages is that there is little interpretation in the Chivalry.
> The Chivalry is the easiest to judge.  Unlike the Laurel, witch is wide
> open to interpretation, i.e. "Well my laurel is in garb making, but I
> don't think that Lady Bob's cooking is exactly up to my standards are
> and neither is Lady Jane's armoring".  Someone tell me (based only on
> the example I gave) how someone who makes garb can really look at
> someone's cooking and say that they are or are not a Master at that
> art.  The Knight's basically look for fighting ability, peer-like
> qualities, teaching of the fighting arts, and all around productivity
> before supporting someone, before the Crown, as a potential Knight.
> 3. You agreed with the statement that "as a result of winning Crown,
> many are Knighted", can you name one Knight that was _recognized_ (very
> important term) as a Knight simply because they won Crown??  Or were
> "magically" (kind of an insulting accusation without being direct
> enough) Knighted?
> Don't get Me wrong, you are entitled to your opinion.  I can see how
> those that are uninformed come up with different ideas on how thing
> factually are and tend to believe them.  Hell we all do it.  I mean I
> believed that O.J. was guilty of murder, but apparently I was wrong
> about that.
> Logan
> (acting only as Logan, so I don't want to hear about "how the King
> should not comment in a public forum because that is just wrong and
> could make people think a certain way about something without really
> looking into for themselves"  i.e. those of you (very few) who have sent
> Me messages like that....... please don't)
> Erik Dutton wrote:
> >
> > Poster: Erik Dutton <edutton@worldnet.att.net>
> >
> > Christopher Mark Faulcon wrote:
> > >
> > > Most people who become king do so by expending tremendous effort and energy
> > > training themselves in the sport of SCA combat, and in general are quite good.
> >
> > True. In fact, I would go farther and say that anyone who manages to win
> > crown, against the inevitably stiff competition, probably deserves to.
> >
> > > As a result, many are knighted
> >
> > Also true - although in recent years, crown winners who were not already
> > belted seem to get knighted almost magically, almost as soon as they
> > step off the field. I am *most emphatically NOT* saying that they don't
> > deserve it; but it does strike me that the Chivalry seem to have some
> > sort of horror of an unbelted Crown, and it looks, from the outside,
> > like the watch list gets speeded up in such cases just to avoid such a
> > situation.
> >
> > --
> > In service,
> > Rhodri ap Hywel
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