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chivalry / no "watch list"

Poster: many waters cannot quench love <lisa@technomancer.com>

On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Logan & Arielle wrote:

> 2. Have you ever seen the Chivalry's "watch list"?........no you have
> not, simply because one does not exist.  The simply facts regarding the

not really knowing much about how the peerages work in general, i've
always just sort of assumed that all 3 peerages had a watch list made up
of people who, by virtue of their prowess in their field, were under
consideration for recognition as a peer. is that an incorrect assumption? 

i'm interested from an academic standpoint (as opposed to a practical or
personal interest, since my pursuits are such that i'm never likely to be
affected by it myself *grin*) - if the chivalry doesn't have a watch list,
then what alternate process is used to identify candidates for knighthood? 
or have i misinterpreted your comment here? 

				in curious service,


ps.  this is not an attempt to stick my nose into places i don't belong;
if you feel that the subject is inappropriate for someone outside the
chivalry, please feel free to tell me so.

lisa lorenzin  |  lisa@technomancer.com  |  http://www.1000plus.com/lisa/
of what avail is an open eye if the heart is blind? - solomon ibn gavirol

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