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Re: Question and request

Poster: Nancy Gilly / Philippa Grey <philippa.grey@snet.net>

At 06:05 10-4-98, Megan Burnham wrote:
>Poster: Megan Burnham <lmegan@bellsouth.net>

>	There is only one source I know of for period games, and that is 
>Baron Salamala (sp) in the Barony Beyond the Mountain, East Kingdom, 
>mundanely known as Rhode Island.  I will dig up his address for you.  He 
>had published a book on the subject, but I don't know who printed it.  
>You might try going though sca.org and find the seneshal of BBM's e-mail 
>address for a contact..

BBM is actually the northern and eastern portions of Connecticut, where I
now reside.  If any interested would e-mail me privately, I can give them
his Immensity's mailing address.  I believe that his period games book was
a Complete Anachronist.  I know that he is currently working on a second

Your servant,

Philippa Grey

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