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Re: a new idea

Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>

> >> Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>
> >> First, when all of the letters come from the same zip code it raises
> >> flags.  

I hope I'm correct in assuming you don't apply that rule to AoA's,
recommendations for which might very well come from the same zipcode.

> Hear! Hear!
> I was hoping that someone else would note these problems, preferably someone --- as is here the case --- who had been intimately involved with the awards process.
It certainly is good to have someone intimate with the process give the
rest of us a clue. 
> And, when I heard the idea of the "new idea", I had the same reaction that I have had in the past to "petition drives".  For all the reasons Duke Logan has cited, this is a poor idea.  More than half the royalty I have dealt with have almost automatically discarded any nomination made solely through a petition or by "form letters".  (And your royalty are NOT stupid, no matter what some people --- including some members of the peerage --- think: they can spot when the verbiage, including all the

It's not always a question of thinking royalty are stupid or not being
interested enough to put a recommendation in your own words.
For instance, when the folks of Isenfir sent in what they later
described to me as two very nicely hand-done petitions to get me an AoA,
no one responded saying, "You're SoL, We don't accept petitions and if
you send us one we'll throw it in the trash."  Now keep in mind these
folks were trying very hard to get me this AoA.  NO ONE explained to
them that petitions were disregarded, nor any of these arcane (and yes,
they ARE arcane if folks don't know about 'em) rules of what royalty
demand in a recommendation.  I think this info should be printed
regularly in the Acorn, say every four months or so.  The result in my
case was that people became so distressed they thought our whole shire
was being ignored for some reason no one could fathom, and several
people came to cry on my shoulder (I was the seneschale) about it.  They
didn't, of course, tell me about the petition.

Ya wanna know how I got an AoA?  My Pelican at the time went up to TRM's
at an event and said, "She deserves an AoA, give her one."  Just like
that.  Done.  And you say TRMs turn up their nosies at a petition? 
Honestly, I'd take a hand-done petition before I'd take a nudge like
that, but why not take both?  This IS a game, ya know.....

Secondly, say I don't feel very confident about my ability to put my
point across in words about why I think lord Bob should get an AoA.  Say
I'm just really bad at writing, not good with words, just very insecure
about the whole thing.  Now my friend Lady Alice writes a letter
recommending lord Bob for an AoA.  I know she writes well and clearly
with skill, so I ask her if I can copy some of her wording because it
says what I want to say.  

What's wrong with that?  If TRM's call me to ask why I think Bob should
get an AoA and I can't answer the question, that's one thing.  If I CAN
answer it, then why shouldn't they accept copied verbiage?

> Cliques are part of it.  Group pressure is often a contributing factor too.  If someone brings a petition to a group meeting (household, shire, Barony, it matters not) or a sample letter that they want people to copy, it often puts folk on the spot.  Even if they do not really feel the individual has earned an award, they may feel pressure to "go along", especially if the individual is personally popular --- or if they themselves like the individual.

That's certainly valid, but it isn't always the case.  If people are
putting on this kind of pressure they should stop and remember this is
just a game.
> Have I actually seen this happen?  Yes.  Have I seen this happen in verbal discussions in peerage meetings and other meetings of polling orders? Yes.  That is one of several reasons why the requirement for written pollings that the East (and until recently Atlantia) had was put in place.

I don't know if you can stop this sort of thing in Order pollings. 
After all, we're just human beings here.  People are always going to get
worked up over little things.
> The advice I have always given to people asking me how to get someone an award is this:
> 1.  If you really feel that a person deserves an award, write a letter to the Crown (with a copy to the principal of a polling order if you wish, though it is not required).

Keep in mind, a letter to the principal of the order might get them on
the watch list so folks are paying attention.
> 2.  If you cannot think of at least two or three reasons why an award should be given (not counting "he is a really nice person"), you probably should not write that letter.

I disagree.  TRM's are apparently not so flooded out with letters that
such self censorship is necessary.  Besides, in some cases, one really
good reason is all it takes, and TRM's can certqainly judge that for
> 3. You should give at least as much time to considering and writing the letter as the ruling noble (baron, prince, king) will spend in bestowing the award in court.

I don't know about that.  Just do your best and what you think is
> 4. If you do not feel strongly enough about a person's worthiness for an award to spend the time and trouble to write a letter ***in your own words***, then you obviously do not think the person REALLY deserves the award.  (Note this does not mean you cannot ask a friend or a significant other to proof the letter for spelling and grammar.)

I disagree.  See my comments above.
> Extra Credit Rule #1: If the person in question is your significant other or best friend, think three times about writing the letter or bringing their name before your order.  If nobody else thinks highly enough of your love to write that letter, then it is probably not time for the award.

Ask other folks for their opinion on the merits of the person first, but
if you think they are being ignored and their service is so seamless
that no one sees it, then write the letter.  Why not?  What have you got
to lose?
> I personally feel that running "petition drives" for higher level awards is tacky, although I know of several efforts in that direction in this kingdom and others currently and in the past.  Most have ended up in hurting the chances of the individual being "boosted" for shorter or longer periods and, in a couple of cases I am aware of in other kingdoms, even though the award was eventually bestowed in later reigns, cast a permanent shadow over the award, even though it was well justified when it

That's just silly.  I don't doubt it occurs, but why blame the person
who gets the award?  They didn't send the petition around.  
> One other thing should be stressed that is often misunderstood by those outside polling orders --- and some inside:
> The royalty must take advice of their peers and such polling orders as kingdom law requires.  They do not have to listen.  Even if the entire order  unanimously recommended an award be given, it is the right and privilege of the Crown to refuse to bestow it.  Even if the entire order unanimously opposes an award, it is the right and privilege of the Crown to bestow it.  We may not be happy about it.  We may question the Crown's wisdom (and indeed it is an imprudent Crown that routinely ignores t
> Alisoun (Bambi Classic)
> Trying hard not to sound like an "Old Fart"
This is true.  Besides, remember this is a game.  It's not like these
folks have been given some real position or title in daily life, ya
know....  ;)

Stealth Baroness
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