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Greetings & Fare Well

Poster: "Mari Stewart" <stewart@faculty.law.duke.edu>

To all the Gentles of the Merry Rose -  Greetings 

	I am writing to let all my good friends here know that  I am leaving 
dear Atlantia. 
	Some of you already know, but last time I moved (and that was just 3 
 miles) I had slews of people say "Bridgette, _Where_ did you go... 
so suddenly?"  So this time I am trying to let all the people dear to 
me know that I'm moving well in advance.  
	In early June I will be settling in Ithaca, NY   (as it is 
known modernly - anyone know the SCA equivalent? )
	You are all my good friends, and I shall think on my many warm 
Atlantian memories as I sew and whittle through the cold Eastern 
nights.   My best to you all, gentles, nobles, jesters, fools, 
fighters and friends.   


Bridgette Kelly MacLean
The MacLean of Atlantia

Mari Stewart

I'm lost, but I'm making record time
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