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Looking for Brad

Poster: Carson Grey Bloomberg <cgb5@cornell.edu>

Good gentles,
	I'm looking for a lord by the name of Brad who attended the
Atlantian 12th night this year (in purple garb, if that helps) and with
whom I talked for several hours following the Bardic Circle that night. I
believe he lives about two hours south of Ithaca, but all I have to go on
is the name and the purple garb, really. I don't even know whether the name
Brad is SCAdian or mundane. :/ I don't have the address for the AEthlmarc
list, so if someone could forward this message there, it would be greatly
appreciated. Also, I'm not subscribed to the Merry Rose, so if anyone from
there knows of Lord Brad's whereabouts or best of all an email address,
please reply privately at cgb5@cornell.edu.

Much thanks,
Carson Bloomberg
ska Silence de Cherbourg

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