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Re: Herald stuff

Poster: "Beverly Robinson-Curry" <corvus2@worldnet.att.net>

Just to be sure this is well understood, I'm posting something sent me

> Don't they have Registration in one day up at pennsic? 

NO!  Can you say "myth"?  What happens at Pennsic is that the staff herald
looks at your submission and says it looks o.k. "to him".  Then it is
shipped back to your home kingdom after Pennsic where it is processed in
exactly the same fashion it would have been had you sent it up through the
regular process.  THERE IS NO TIME SAVED!!!  

Which is one of the reasons we are not accepting submissions at the Pennsic
Consult Table this year, but instead are running a one-day Atlantian table
in Atlantian Royal.

Rhiannon, Triton

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