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Re: a little history lesson

Poster: Brenna <sunnie@exis.net>

Thought his name was Vlad Teppish (sp?) or some such thing.


Odinson13@aol.com wrote:

> Poster: Odinson13@aol.com
> In a message dated 98-06-10 07:44:47 EDT, Corun writes:
> <<  Elven or Vampirish personas (which we all know to be
>  perfectly period and acceptable at all SCA events...that's, ah say that's
>  a joke, son <VBG>). >>
> Hold on a minute, are you trying to say Vampires didn't exist in the Middle
> Ages?
> Next you will be trying to convince me Vlad Dracul didn't exist either.
> Shame on you M'Lord.
> Odinson
> Kidding
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