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Re: Question of Propriety

Poster: "Brett W. McCoy" <bmccoy@lan2wan.com>

On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Gina wrote:

> I have a question that I am curious as to the answer.... 
> How exactly does one join a household... is there some type of formal
> ceremony?  Are people usually asked or invited to join, or is the
> impetus upon the folks interested in joining to talk to the folks they
> want to join?
> I'm curious as to what the "norm" is for stuff like this. :)

This kind of situation is entirely dependent upon the household in 
question.  Some households are very informal and anyone who shows up to 
drink beer at the meetings is considered a member, while others are much 
more exclusive and do have more ceremony involved with inducting new 
members.  Households are not official SCA branches, and are essentially 
self-governing groups of people who share certain bonds of friendship, 
interests, loyalty, and so on.

In Service,
Istvan Dragosani
"The Number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
   -- The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June, 1972

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