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Southern War Practice

Just a brief little reminder about this weekend.  Hope to see you all


Southern War Practice

June 20, 1998

Come join the Canton of Cyddlain Downs as they host the War
Practice/Assessment Battles for the Southern Reaches of the Great
Kingdom of Atlantia!
 The premise is simple, fight till you drop, eat lunch, train and fight
till you drop again.  This is a good chance to work on your war
strategies and build up your endurance.  There will be rapier for those
so inclined, and combat archery is a must.  I ask everyone (especially
the archers) to try to make it, even if they are not planning on going
to Pensic, to help train those who are going.
 Now this is at the same site as the Southern Assessment Battles in
February and we had over 60 fighters show up then, so lets see if we
can’t beat that number this time.  To help make that happen we need the
support of our friends up north so I ask that all those who can, to try
to make it to the Central War Practice two weeks before on June 5th-7th
in Virginia (I know, I know, Central?)   They came down for our practice
in February, so we should go up to theirs and tell them thanks…. and "oh
by the way, what are you doing in two weeks".
 There are numerous Hotels nearby and there will be limited crash space
available. Lord Vidar has offered his land nearby for a post revel and
for any want to set up a tent.  Send no money now, there is no site
fee.  But at troll there will be a donation box for any who wish to help
defer the cost. (A dollar or two would be more then enough)  There is no
pre-registration but a phone call or email to me for a head count would
be nice.
SITE RULES:  Since this is a School, no tobacco products and no
alcohol!  Save it for the post revel at Vidar’s.
Autocrat: Janos of Cyddlain Downs (Greg Prevost) 106 Rollingwood Dr.,
Lexington, SC 29072.  If you have a question feel free to reach me at
(803) 356-9519, email gregp@ix.netcom.com
Site: Hillcrest Middle School in Datzell SC.  Pets are welcome.  (Hound
coursing anyone?)
>From the North (east) take I-95 South to I-20 West  ** Go to HWY 521
South toward Sumter turn left at the HWY 441 (Shaw AFB) exit and the
site is 1/10th of a mile on your right.
>From the North (west) Take I-77 South to I-20 East to HWY 521 toward
Sumter then same as above **
>From the South take your best route to I-95 North to 521 North. Turn
right at the HWY 441 (Shaw AFB) exit and the site will be 1/10th of a
mile on your right.
>From Sanford: Take HWY 1 South to Camden SC. Then take HWY 521 South
toward Sumter then same as above **
