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Re: Of Kings and Queens and other such things

Poster: Jim Trigg <jtrigg@hoflink.com>

Bob Minowicz said in Of Kings and Queens and other such things [quite long] 
at 17/Jun/1998, Wed 11:36:00.

> As I see it, the main problem is that to be Sovereign you must fight in
> a tourney, in single heavy combat and win the crown.  This, by its
> nature, completely excludes anyone that is not a heavy fighter.  More
> than that, it excludes anyone that is not an inordinately skilled heavy
> fighter.  That is not to say that others cannot participate in the fun
> of the tourney, but rather that they can never be our Sovereign.


Not to be a wet blanket, but let me point out that this is pure speculation 
until and unless the BOD can be convinced to change Corpora.  Corpora 
mandates that royalty must be selected through a single-combat tournament, 
and a BOD policy further restricts it to heavy weapons.

In service to the Society, the Kingdom, the College of Heralds, my Barony, 
and my perception of the Dream,
Blaise de Cormeilles
Barony of Ponte Alto

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