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Kings and Queens and Things

Poster: Gina MacNeill <rhiannonofberra@mindspring.com>

rhiannon-of-berra said....
>>How will we know if we don't at least TRY?  No one (at least not to my 
>>knowlege) ever did anything worthwhile without at least trying. 

>But how do we know if the populace of Atlantia supports this? We can't
just go
>trying to change corpra on the basis of opinions from a Very small percentage
>of the Kingdom's inhabitants- this list.
>Before we go trying to make any big changes, IMHO, we would need to poll
>the entire kingdom. 

I didn't mean we should hurry up and try to change Corpora or anything like
that.  I meant that we should look into it further and not just take the
stance of  "it's never been done so it's not worth doing."  Just because
something is difficult doesn't mean it's not worth looking into at least.

We have  LONG way to go before we get to the stage of polling folks.. it's
still just an idea and topic of conversation, at least for now.

rhiannon of berra
no AoA; but FULL of opinions :)

Meddle not in the affairs with dragons for you are crunchy and taste good
with ketchup.

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