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University of Atlantia - Fall Session

Poster: Beth Morris <bmorris@access.digex.net>

Good friends and companions,

With good reason, Atlantia is known for it's learning! Are you skilled
in an art or science?  Have you some knowledge you would share?  Is
there something you'd like to know more about?

As new Chancellor of the University, I am already at work on the fall
session, which is planned for October 3rd in the Barony of Black

Due to a date change, I have had to move up the deadlines for class
information (in order to produce the catalog in time to be mailed with
the Acorn), and therefore am unable to publish a call-for-classes in the
Acorn.  Therefore I ask all gathered here to consult with those you know
and contact me if you have:

*    ideas for classes you'd like to see (you don't necessarily have to
volunteer to teach them!)
*    ideas for classes you're interested in teaching
*    suggestions for all-day town sessions or other interesting things
that could be done at University
*    suggestions for instructors we could 'import' for University
*    classes you have already prepared that you could teach if we have a
'hole' in the schedule (I'm trying to build up a list of such classes in
case of cancellations, to fill in tracks of classes, etc)
*    ideas for tracks of classes and/or willingness to be dean and
coordinate a track of classes
*    interest in being a University 'staff member' or regent

I will need to assemble the catalog in mid-July so please send class
information as soon as possible.  And if the fall session doesn't work
for you, I am planning a late winter/early spring session somewhere in
the southern part of the kingdom!

Yours in service,

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            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
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