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Re: On the differences between the North and South...

Poster: Amanda Walker <amanda@walker.reston.va.us>

> Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>
> Just my thoughts on that statement. [...]
> I too joined the SCA, as a game.  I then learned to love my Kingdom and
> it's people.  For myself, if I were to move to another Kingdom in the
> SCA I would always remain an Atlantian.  Sure I would still be in the
> SCA, however, if I give my loyalty to something, I keep it that way.

I'll drink to that, Your Grace.

I've been living in Atlantia for ten years now (well, ten years and
two weeks if I wanted to get picky), and I'm still a Midrealmer (worse
yet, a Cleftlander :-)).  A Midrealmer who has become quite fond of
Atlantia, to be sure, but the original mark seems to have stuck.

Arwen ferch Morgan
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