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RE: Loyalty...

Poster: "Garrett, William" <WGarrett@sierrahealth.com>

> I guess what really drives my loyalties here in Atlantia aren't jsut the
> "famiuly" I have here, but b/c I've LIVED here my whole life, even before
> I KNEW about the SCA...I was born and raised in North Virginia, and lived
> in Danville for a time, and I've been here, and grown attached to the
> people and everything else...
> It's going to be hard to go the day I leave...
> Tristin de Roquelaure
.......and I've never lived in the same place for more than five years.
Most places I've stayed less than two years.  I went to two different
schools in sixth grade, two different junior high schools, three different
high schools and two universities on two continents.......and then I joined
the Army!
:o) And since I joined the SCA in high school, you can see I've moved around
a bit....and for the first five years, I kept moving from isolated backwater
to isolated back water...I was a newbie for a good five years!

It's hard for me to become attached to geography.  I lived in Hawaii for
five years before moving to Baltimore, and I don't miss it.  I miss the
people, I miss the knight I'm squired to (talk about a geographically
separated unit!)  And I miss the way things were done in Western Seas.  We
chose our Baron/ess by Heavy tournament in Summer, Arts competition in
Winter.  I miss how we did courts.

But I'm in Atlantia now.  I like the way the Atlantian army comes together
and does well at Pennsic.  I love the diversity of groups I've encountered
here. I love the chivalry elevation ceremonies I've seen here...probably the
best I've seen anywhere.  Chivalry and honor are attitudes deeply felt here
in Atlantia (not that they aren't in Caid/Western Seas..) It feels very
good, and I'm proud to call Atlantia home.  I don't plan on moving...if I do
it will be to get away from this damn Baltimore humidity.......I liven on an
island that was less humid...sheesh.....

I can guarantee that if war were declared between Atlantia and Caid, I'd
have a "spike" decal on my helm.......(that would be a tough war.....all
that blue and white!) UNLESS my knight called my to fight by his side.

But if I ever have to leave, that new group will be my home.  It's how I've
done it all my life.  I will remember Atlantia/Bright Hills/ (hopefully the
Principality) with fondness and tell all my new friends about my old
friends, an get them all together at the War.  I'll sing the praises of

But I probably would fight for my new home, even if it meant fighting for a
static line shield wall kingdom :o0 (I would be trying to reform them and
teach them the joys of heavy cavalry though......as fond as I am of the
Atlantian Steamroller, I don't want to be on the other side! :o)

William Ringlancer of Locksley
al-Sahid, Caid
Dreiburgen, Caid
Silver Desert, Cynagua, West
Dreiburgen, Caid
College of the Joining Paths (never got off the ground), Drachenwald, East
Treloch, Ansteorra
Western Seas, Caid
Bright Hills, Atlantia

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