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RE: Suspension of Certain Combat Arrows

Poster: Julien de Montfort <julien@spiaggia.org>

Well, this is my last comment on this issue here, since, as Sir Dafyyd
sagely pointed out earlier, there's no point in arguing about it here;
best to let the KAM know what your views are, and then see what the
outcome is.

> I don't find this reactionary and immature in the slightest.  I find
> brave of someone to make an unpopular stand until the issue has been
> resolved. I also get offended when someone says "I just spent $300.00
> on all this stuff and now I might not get to use it just because of a
> near miss!"  These are the opinions I find reactionary.  Perhaps one
> on to the arrows and react once a decision is made.  Stephan is an
> himself and has been for many years.  It's not like he's some child
> doesn't understand the kind of grief this suspension is going to

I think it is more frustration and dissapointment in the "system" than
anything else -- it seems to me that testing like this should have been
done *before* declaring them Atlantia-legal, and before people put so
much of an investment (both time and money) into them for the good of
the Kingdom.  And if such testing *was* done previously, why suddenly
pull them out for _more_ testing at the first incidence of injury?
Will they be put back into service, only to be suspended again for more
testing should someone else get injured later on?  I haven't seen any
other weapons forms treated in the same manner.

> Who's lost the address for the marshal's mailing list and is wondering
> whether she should cross post this reply.

Probably not, as Stefan originally requested that commentary be sent to
him privately, which, I assume, precludes cross-posting for the sake of
his inbox. ;-).  His address, if you don't have it, is


Seigneur Julien de Montfort                  De sable, seme d'hermines
"Solum Dice Nullus Sunt Suficio"             d'or, tres amphorae et un
Seneschal, Web Minister, pursuivant@large        caid palissade argent
Canton de Spiaggia Levantina                   http://www.spiaggia.org
Bright Hills, Atlantia                             julien@spiaggia.org
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