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Re: Pennsic Seneschale's Court and Requirements This Year

Poster: Beth Morris <bmorris@access.digex.net>

Eli White wrote:
> At 10:11 AM 1/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
>           I think we might lose the chance to educate many
>           fantasy types.  Consider a Laurel from Atlantia
>           (now in the Middle) started her SCA career wearing
>           a fur bikini and a cloak.  She stayed, she
>           learned, etc........
> The page does mention that people will be given a warning first (and
> knowing the SCA, there would be more than one warning before action
> would be taken) ...<snip>

> Only if then, like say the next day the 'official enforcers' see her
> AGAIN, and she is STILL wearing the fur bikini, would she be given the
> 24 hr notice to appear in front of Seneschals Court.
> At least, that is the way that I read the web page, perhaps others
> implied differently, but this is how I read it, which at least I don't
> see a problem with (yet).

Actually, the letter says:

Please note that for this requirement only, we are depending on the
personal honor of attendees for compliance. We urge gentles who are
confronted with the dress of those who fail to comply with these
standards to courteously remind them that this is not the game we are
playing here.

That said (to me) that the Seneschal's Court wasn't for the dress
issues, but for the other admin issues that arise from 10,000 people
camping cheek-by-jowl for two weeks in the hot sun.  Things like certain
Knights from a certain kingdom waking every camp for 100 yards by
pounding on a pot  with a spoon at 6 am and shouting about mustering on
the road in one hour....


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