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Re: Cookies and Mercs

Poster: "Boroghul Khara" <boroghul@bellatlantic.net>

Kevin uge-ber:

>You know, I own a hauberk and a gambeson and a steel sword.  Perhaps we
>should dress an inanimate dummy and see what damage we can do.  Maybe
>Gwen's dress form?  :)  Maybe not.

Or we could take a page from James Burke's book and put it on a side of beef
and hack at it
(I can't remember the episode number or title of Connections, but it was the
one where he went from armored combat to the Apollo program.  The sword
through a hanging side of beef was what he used before he started talking
about Hastings.

Grey Randall
IT Department
Praxis, Inc.
"Milla nummi pro capite hominis nothum inconsiderati
qui ultimam poculum potus capit neque novam ollam fabricatur!"
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