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RE: Modern Games as part of an event (was Perosna Issues; Game)

Poster: Dominica Harlan <DHarlan@RodgersBuilders.com>

> 	Does anyone know of a medieval game which could involve the
> entire population of an event?  I'd be very interested in hearing
> about such an activity.

Hey, where are the suggestions of musical chairs, Blind Man's Bluff, pallio 
horse racing (once a highlight of Caer Mear's Masqued Ball not all that 
long ago) and even pinata games (that's period for Spain, right?)? Cambok 
used to be popular, and rapier fighters have been known to play shuttlecock 
(badminton with a wooden/leather ball with flights and folk in a circle 
instead of separated by a net) and my favorite game of all time -- campball 
(think australian football only with less rules). Not to mention, you can 
get a *lot* of people in on the period dicing games like those run by Rabah 
and Isenfir's Red Mountain Inn. None of the above take a lot of athletic 
ability or previous skill/knowledge and can be fun for a very very large 
group of people, including kids with supervision (I do recommend being a 
bit more physically durable for campball and cambok though), and I have 
seen all of the above used to involve most of the attendees at past events.

Just my two coins,

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