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RE: Stilhavn General Meeting Announcement

Poster: RAYMOND THOMAS FERNALLD <rtfcu@welchlink.welch.jhu.edu>

My lady, I feel confident in assuring you that there is no desire or
intention to slight anyone in the selection of this or any site for the
principality meetings.  When sites and dates for the meetings are chosen,
many factors have to be considered, including availability of sites,
convenience of location, time and place relative to other events, and the
like.  It can be difficult to account for all the possible eventualities.
Also bear in mind that choosing sites/dates for the meetings in a
more southern location requires coordination and travel,
which presents a whole new set of problems.
	With that in mind, I think you have a valid point; it could be
advantageous for a principality meeting to be held in an area more
accessible to the rest of the kingdom,
where you and others could participate more readily.  I feel that is
an idea worth considering, and I think others would agree.  Additionally,
there will almost certainly be Stilhavnites at Coronation, who will be
willing to discuss your concerns and answer any questions.
	We do not wish to leave anyone out.  Please do not feel that we
are leaving you out of the process;
again, I am certain that was never the intention.  I know the person who
is selecting the sites for P. meetings and that person would never seek to
exclude anyone.

In service,

Talbot Beman
Barony of Bright Hills

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